Saturday, October 10, 2009

I really tried my best!

Tonight Jordan's elementary school, The Gregory School, had a social function at the ice skating rink. Now, for those of you who don't know me, I'm not the best on wheels, much less blades for that matter. Learned to bike ride at 21. Yes, you read that right. Roller skated when I was a kid by hanging onto other kids. Ice skated once at 20 where I fell on the rink and was brought into the ER so they could drain my knees of fluid. I'm just not the best on balancing of any sort. Running marathons? Climbing? Flying through the air on a zipline unthinkable heights? I'm your girl. Balancing? Not so much.

I had thrown the idea of ice skating at William a week ago. He was like SURE no problem-I'll do it. But once he got his legs into the skates, he was like NO WAY AM I GOING THROUGH WITH THIS! I looked at Jordy who was like HELP ME MOMMY-DON'T LET ME OUT ON THE RINK ALONE! So me being the guilty mom, thought I'd give it one more shot on the rink.

So, Jordan, I really did try my BEST tonight as I hung to the side of the rink like a scared two year old. And I know I was of no help to you at all. But, thanks to my dear friends Mark and Adria who fearlessly brought him around and made him feel like sort-of-a-typical kid :)

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