Monday, June 14, 2010

BLah blah blah

Justin has been babbling constantly. It's very sweet, since he firmly believes that he is making perfect sense to everyone. To be fair, he has come up with quite a few new words in his vocabulary in the past week or so:

muah muah (kiss kiss)
caaaaah (boston version of car)
caaaahe (fall in spanish)
no no no no (no)
dordaaaaan (jordan)
ummy (yummy)
tiggie tiggie (tickle tickle)

Now that William has returned from Colombia (with video camera in hand), I'll try to get a video of him babbling away!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ahhhhh Summer is Here!

So William left for Colombia last Friday and I decided to be a brave mommy and venture to the beach with both boys solo. Overall, we had a fantastic time. Jordan, at this point, is a pro on the beach. Loves to build, dig, chase seagulls and run back and forth to the ocean to collect buckets of water and shells. I wasn't sure how Justin would react. I should have expected, with his fearless personality, that of course he would plop himself down in the icy cold water and not want to move his big tush. He loved the water, ate the sand and chased his brother everywhere. I truly did not sit down for 2 days straight. I guess that's the exercise I"ll be getting while William is away! What a great time we had.
Here are a couple of photos from outside the Margate home of the boys and at the beach. Damn they are cute!

Before we left to come back home, the boys were lucky enough to see their Bubbee and Zayda for a quick italian meal.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


It's t-ball time folks! We're nearly at our last game for the season, but by now Jordan not only looks adorable, but knows how to play too. God bless.

Last night at the game, I had to chase Justin off the field 3 times. He had a total fit, as he thinks he can play with the big kids. He did, however, get to shake hands with the other team at the end of the day.